Source code for MCEq.geometry.density_profiles

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import with_metaclass
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from MCEq.misc import theta_rad
from MCEq.misc import info

import mceq_config as config

[docs]class EarthsAtmosphere(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """ Abstract class containing common methods on atmosphere. You have to inherit from this class and implement the virtual method :func:`get_density`. Note: Do not instantiate this class directly. Attributes: thrad (float): current zenith angle :math:`\\theta` in radiants theta_deg (float): current zenith angle :math:`\\theta` in degrees max_X (float): Slant depth at the surface according to the geometry defined in the :mod:`MCEq.geometry` geometry (object): Can be a custom instance of EarthGeometry """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from MCEq.geometry.geometry import EarthGeometry self.geom = kwargs.pop("geometry", EarthGeometry()) self.thrad = None self.theta_deg = None self._max_den = config.max_density self.max_theta = 90.0 self.location = None self.season = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_density(self, h_cm): """Abstract method which implementation should return the density in g/cm**3. Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: density in g/cm**3 Raises: NotImplementedError: """ raise NotImplementedError("Base class called.")
[docs] def calculate_density_spline(self, n_steps=2000): """Calculates and stores a spline of :math:`\\rho(X)`. Args: n_steps (int, optional): number of :math:`X` values to use for interpolation Raises: Exception: if :func:`set_theta` was not called before. """ from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz from time import time from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline if self.theta_deg is None: raise Exception("zenith angle not set") else: info( 5, "Calculating spline of rho(X) for zenith {0:4.1f} degrees.".format( self.theta_deg ), ) thrad = self.thrad path_length = self.geom.l(thrad) vec_rho_l = np.vectorize( lambda delta_l: self.get_density(self.geom.h(delta_l, thrad)) ) dl_vec = np.linspace(0, path_length, n_steps) now = time() # Calculate integral for each depth point X_int = cumtrapz(vec_rho_l(dl_vec), dl_vec) # dl_vec = dl_vec[1:] info(5, ".. took {0:1.2f}s".format(time() - now)) # Save depth value at h_obs self._max_X = X_int[-1] self._max_den = self.get_density(self.geom.h(0, thrad)) # Interpolate with bi-splines without smoothing h_intp = [self.geom.h(dl, thrad) for dl in reversed(dl_vec[1:])] X_intp = [X for X in reversed(X_int[1:])] self._s_h2X = UnivariateSpline(h_intp, np.log(X_intp), k=2, s=0.0) self._s_X2rho = UnivariateSpline(X_int, vec_rho_l(dl_vec), k=2, s=0.0) self._s_lX2h = UnivariateSpline(np.log(X_intp)[::-1], h_intp[::-1], k=2, s=0.0)
@property def max_X(self): """Depth at altitude 0.""" if not hasattr(self, "_max_X"): self.set_theta(0) return self._max_X @property def max_den(self): """Density at altitude 0.""" if not hasattr(self, "_max_den"): self.set_theta(0) return self._max_den @property def s_h2X(self): """Spline for conversion from altitude to depth.""" if not hasattr(self, "_s_h2X"): self.set_theta(0) return self._s_h2X @property def s_X2rho(self): """Spline for conversion from depth to density.""" if not hasattr(self, "_s_X2rho"): self.set_theta(0) return self._s_X2rho @property def s_lX2h(self): """Spline for conversion from depth to altitude.""" if not hasattr(self, "_s_lX2h"): self.set_theta(0) return self._s_lX2h
[docs] def set_theta(self, theta_deg): """Configures geometry and initiates spline calculation for :math:`\\rho(X)`. If the option 'use_atm_cache' is enabled in the config, the function will check, if a corresponding spline is available in the cache and use it. Otherwise it will call :func:`calculate_density_spline`, make the function :func:`r_X2rho` available to the core code and store the spline in the cache. Args: theta_deg (float): zenith angle :math:`\\theta` at detector """ if theta_deg < 0.0 or theta_deg > self.max_theta: raise Exception("Zenith angle not in allowed range.") self.thrad = theta_rad(theta_deg) self.theta_deg = theta_deg self.calculate_density_spline()
[docs] def r_X2rho(self, X): """Returns the inverse density :math:`\\frac{1}{\\rho}(X)`. The spline `s_X2rho` is used, which was calculated or retrieved from cache during the :func:`set_theta` call. Args: X (float): slant depth in g/cm**2 Returns: float: :math:`1/\\rho` in cm**3/g """ return 1.0 / self.s_X2rho(X)
[docs] def h2X(self, h): """Returns the depth along path as function of height above surface. The spline `s_X2rho` is used, which was calculated or retrieved from cache during the :func:`set_theta` call. Args: h (float): vertical height above surface in cm Returns: float: X slant depth in g/cm**2 """ return np.exp(self.s_h2X(h))
[docs] def X2h(self, X): """Returns the height above surface as a function of slant depth for currently selected zenith angle. The spline `s_lX2h` is used, which was calculated or retrieved from cache during the :func:`set_theta` call. Args: X (float): slant depth in g/cm**2 Returns: float h: height above surface in cm """ return self.s_lX2h(np.log(X))
[docs] def X2rho(self, X): """Returns the density :math:`\\rho(X)`. The spline `s_X2rho` is used, which was calculated or retrieved from cache during the :func:`set_theta` call. Args: X (float): slant depth in g/cm**2 Returns: float: :math:`\\rho` in cm**3/g """ return self.s_X2rho(X)
[docs] def moliere_air(self, h_cm): """Returns the Moliere unit of air for US standard atmosphere.""" return 9.3 / (self.get_density(h_cm) * 100.0)
[docs] def nref_rel_air(self, h_cm): """Returns the refractive index - 1 in air (density parametrization as in CORSIKA). """ return 0.000283 * self.get_density(h_cm) / self.get_density(0)
[docs] def gamma_cherenkov_air(self, h_cm): """Returns the Lorentz factor gamma of Cherenkov threshold in air (MeV).""" nrel = self.nref_rel_air(h_cm) return (1.0 + nrel) / np.sqrt(2.0 * nrel + nrel**2)
[docs] def theta_cherenkov_air(self, h_cm): """Returns the Cherenkov angle in air (degrees).""" return np.arccos(1.0 / (1.0 + self.nref_rel_air(h_cm))) * 180.0 / np.pi
[docs]class CorsikaAtmosphere(EarthsAtmosphere): """Class, holding the parameters of a Linsley type parameterization similar to the Air-Shower Monte Carlo `CORSIKA <>`_. The parameters pre-defined parameters are taken from the CORSIKA manual. If new sets of parameters are added to :func:`init_parameters`, the array _thickl can be calculated using :func:`calc_thickl` . Attributes: _atm_param (numpy.array): (5x5) Stores 5 atmospheric parameters _aatm, _batm, _catm, _thickl, _hlay for each of the 5 layers Args: location (str): see :func:`init_parameters` season (str,optional): see :func:`init_parameters` """ _atm_param = None def __init__(self, location, season=None): cka_atmospheres = [ ("USStd", None), ("BK_USStd", None), ("Karlsruhe", None), ("ANTARES/KM3NeT-ORCA", "Summer"), ("ANTARES/KM3NeT-ORCA", "Winter"), ("KM3NeT-ARCA", "Summer"), ("KM3NeT-ARCA", "Winter"), ("KM3NeT", None), ("SouthPole", "December"), ("PL_SouthPole", "January"), ("PL_SouthPole", "August"), ] assert ( location, season, ) in cka_atmospheres, "{0}/{1} not available for CorsikaAtmsophere".format( location, season ) self.init_parameters(location, season) import MCEq.geometry.corsikaatm.corsikaatm as corsika_acc self.corsika_acc = corsika_acc EarthsAtmosphere.__init__(self)
[docs] def init_parameters(self, location, season): """Initializes :attr:`_atm_param`. Parameters from ANTARES/KM3NET are based on the work of T. Heid (`see this issue <>`_) +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ | location | CORSIKA Table | Description/season | +=====================+===================+==============================+ | "USStd" | 23 | US Standard atmosphere | +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ | "BK_USStd" | 37 | Bianca Keilhauer's USStd | +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ | "Karlsruhe" | 24 | AT115 / Karlsruhe | +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ | "SouthPole" | 26 and 28 | MSIS-90-E for Dec and June | +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ |"PL_SouthPole" | 29 and 30 | P. Lipari's Jan and Aug | +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ |"ANTARES/KM3NeT-ORCA"| NA | PhD T. Heid | +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ | "KM3NeT-ARCA" | NA | PhD T. Heid | +---------------------+-------------------+------------------------------+ Args: location (str): see table season (str, optional): choice of season for supported locations Raises: Exception: if parameter set not available """ _aatm, _batm, _catm, _thickl, _hlay = None, None, None, None, None if location == "USStd": _aatm = np.array([-186.5562, -94.919, 0.61289, 0.0, 0.01128292]) _batm = np.array([1222.6562, 1144.9069, 1305.5948, 540.1778, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([994186.38, 878153.55, 636143.04, 772170.0, 1.0e9]) _thickl = np.array( [1036.102549, 631.100309, 271.700230, 3.039494, 0.001280] ) _hlay = np.array([0, 4.0e5, 1.0e6, 4.0e6, 1.0e7]) elif location == "BK_USStd": _aatm = np.array( [-149.801663, -57.932486, 0.63631894, 4.3545369e-4, 0.01128292] ) _batm = np.array([1183.6071, 1143.0425, 1322.9748, 655.69307, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([954248.34, 800005.34, 629568.93, 737521.77, 1.0e9]) _thickl = np.array( [1033.804941, 418.557770, 216.981635, 4.344861, 0.001280] ) _hlay = np.array([0.0, 7.0e5, 1.14e6, 3.7e6, 1.0e7]) elif location == "Karlsruhe": _aatm = np.array([-118.1277, -154.258, 0.4191499, 5.4094056e-4, 0.01128292]) _batm = np.array([1173.9861, 1205.7625, 1386.7807, 555.8935, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([919546.0, 963267.92, 614315.0, 739059.6, 1.0e9]) _thickl = np.array( [1055.858707, 641.755364, 272.720974, 2.480633, 0.001280] ) _hlay = np.array([0.0, 4.0e5, 1.0e6, 4.0e6, 1.0e7]) elif location == "KM3NeT": # averaged over detector and season _aatm = np.array( [ -141.31449999999998, -8.256029999999999, 0.6132505, -0.025998975, 0.4024275, ] ) _batm = np.array( [ 1153.0349999999999, 1263.3325, 1257.0724999999998, 404.85974999999996, 1.0, ] ) _catm = np.array([967990.75, 668591.75, 636790.0, 814070.75, 21426175.0]) _thickl = np.array( [ 1011.8521512499999, 275.84507575000003, 51.0230705, 2.983134, 0.21927724999999998, ] ) _hlay = np.array([0.0, 993750.0, 2081250.0, 4150000.0, 6877500.0]) elif location == "ANTARES/KM3NeT-ORCA": if season == "Summer": _aatm = np.array([-158.85, -5.38682, 0.889893, -0.0286665, 0.50035]) _batm = np.array([1145.62, 1176.79, 1248.92, 415.543, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([998469.0, 677398.0, 636790.0, 823489.0, 16090500.0]) _thickl = np.array( [986.951713, 306.4668, 40.546793, 4.288721, 0.277182] ) _hlay = np.array([0, 9.0e5, 22.0e5, 38.0e5, 68.2e5]) elif season == "Winter": _aatm = np.array([-132.16, -2.4787, 0.298031, -0.0220264, 0.348021]) _batm = np.array([1120.45, 1203.97, 1163.28, 360.027, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([933697.0, 643957.0, 636790.0, 804486.0, 23109000.0]) _thickl = np.array( [988.431172, 273.033464, 37.185105, 1.162987, 0.192998] ) _hlay = np.array([0, 9.5e5, 22.0e5, 47.0e5, 68.2e5]) elif location == "KM3NeT-ARCA": if season == "Summer": _aatm = np.array([-157.857, -28.7524, 0.790275, -0.0286999, 0.481114]) _batm = np.array([1190.44, 1171.0, 1344.78, 445.357, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([1006100.0, 758614.0, 636790.0, 817384.0, 16886800.0]) _thickl = np.array( [1032.679434, 328.978681, 80.601135, 4.420745, 0.264112] ) _hlay = np.array([0, 9.0e5, 18.0e5, 38.0e5, 68.2e5]) elif season == "Winter": _aatm = np.array([-116.391, 3.5938, 0.474803, -0.0246031, 0.280225]) _batm = np.array([1155.63, 1501.57, 1271.31, 398.512, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([933697.0, 594398.0, 636790.0, 810924.0, 29618400.0]) _thickl = np.array( [1039.346286, 194.901358, 45.759249, 2.060083, 0.142817] ) _hlay = np.array([0, 12.25e5, 21.25e5, 43.0e5, 70.5e5]) elif location == "SouthPole": if season == "December": _aatm = np.array([-128.601, -39.5548, 1.13088, -0.00264960, 0.00192534]) _batm = np.array([1139.99, 1073.82, 1052.96, 492.503, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([861913.0, 744955.0, 675928.0, 829627.0, 5.8587010e9]) _thickl = np.array( [1011.398804, 588.128367, 240.955360, 3.964546, 0.000218] ) _hlay = np.array([0.0, 4.0e5, 1.0e6, 4.0e6, 1.0e7]) elif season == "June": _aatm = np.array( [-163.331, -65.3713, 0.402903, -0.000479198, 0.00188667] ) _batm = np.array([1183.70, 1108.06, 1424.02, 207.595, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([875221.0, 753213.0, 545846.0, 793043.0, 5.9787908e9]) _thickl = np.array( [1020.370363, 586.143464, 228.374393, 1.338258, 0.000214] ) _hlay = np.array([0.0, 4.0e5, 1.0e6, 4.0e6, 1.0e7]) else: raise Exception( 'CorsikaAtmosphere(): Season "' + season + '" not parameterized for location SouthPole.' ) elif location == "PL_SouthPole": if season == "January": _aatm = np.array([-113.139, -7930635, -54.3888, -0.0, 0.00421033]) _batm = np.array([1133.10, 1101.20, 1085.00, 1098.00, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([861730.0, 826340.0, 790950.0, 682800.0, 2.6798156e9]) _thickl = np.array( [1019.966898, 718.071682, 498.659703, 340.222344, 0.000478] ) _hlay = np.array([0.0, 2.67e5, 5.33e5, 8.0e5, 1.0e7]) elif season == "August": _aatm = np.array([-59.0293, -21.5794, -7.14839, 0.0, 0.000190175]) _batm = np.array([1079.0, 1071.90, 1182.0, 1647.1, 1.0]) _catm = np.array([764170.0, 699910.0, 635650.0, 551010.0, 59.329575e9]) _thickl = np.array( [1019.946057, 391.739652, 138.023515, 43.687992, 0.000022] ) _hlay = np.array([0.0, 6.67e5, 13.33e5, 2.0e6, 1.0e7]) else: raise Exception( 'CorsikaAtmosphere(): Season "' + season + '" not parameterized for location SouthPole.' ) else: raise Exception( "CorsikaAtmosphere:init_parameters(): Location " + str(location) + " not parameterized." ) self._atm_param = np.array([_aatm, _batm, _catm, _thickl, _hlay]) self.location, self.season = location, season # Clear cached theta value to force spline recalculation self.theta_deg = None
[docs] def depth2height(self, x_v): """Converts column/vertical depth to height. Args: x_v (float): column depth :math:`X_v` in g/cm**2 Returns: float: height in cm """ _aatm, _batm, _catm, _thickl, _hlay = self._atm_param if x_v >= _thickl[1]: height = _catm[0] * np.log(_batm[0] / (x_v - _aatm[0])) elif x_v >= _thickl[2]: height = _catm[1] * np.log(_batm[1] / (x_v - _aatm[1])) elif x_v >= _thickl[3]: height = _catm[2] * np.log(_batm[2] / (x_v - _aatm[2])) elif x_v >= _thickl[4]: height = _catm[3] * np.log(_batm[3] / (x_v - _aatm[3])) else: height = (_aatm[4] - x_v) * _catm[4] return height
[docs] def get_density(self, h_cm): """Returns the density of air in g/cm**3. Uses the optimized module function :func:`corsika_get_density_jit`. Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: density :math:`\\rho(h_{cm})` in g/cm**3 """ return self.corsika_acc.corsika_get_density(h_cm, *self._atm_param)
# return corsika_get_density_jit(h_cm, self._atm_param)
[docs] def get_mass_overburden(self, h_cm): """Returns the mass overburden in atmosphere in g/cm**2. Uses the optimized module function :func:`corsika_get_m_overburden_jit` Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: column depth :math:`T(h_{cm})` in g/cm**2 """ return self.corsika_acc.corsika_get_m_overburden(h_cm, *self._atm_param)
# return corsika_get_m_overburden_jit(h_cm, self._atm_param)
[docs] def rho_inv(self, X, cos_theta): """Returns reciprocal density in cm**3/g using planar approximation. This function uses the optimized function :func:`planar_rho_inv_jit` Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: :math:`\\frac{1}{\\rho}(X,\\cos{\\theta})` cm**3/g """ return self.corsika_acc.planar_rho_inv(X, cos_theta, *self._atm_param)
# return planar_rho_inv_jit(X, cos_theta, self._atm_param)
[docs] def calc_thickl(self): """Calculates thickness layers for :func:`depth2height` The analytical inversion of the CORSIKA parameterization relies on the knowledge about the depth :math:`X`, where trasitions between layers/exponentials occur. Example: Create a new set of parameters in :func:`init_parameters` inserting arbitrary values in the _thikl array:: $ cor_atm = CorsikaAtmosphere(new_location, new_season) $ cor_atm.calc_thickl() Replace _thickl values with printout. """ from scipy.integrate import quad thickl = [] for h in self._atm_param[4]: thickl.append( "{0:4.6f}".format(quad(self.get_density, h, 112.8e5, epsrel=1e-4)[0]) ) info(5, "_thickl = np.array([" + ", ".join(thickl) + "])") return thickl
[docs]class IsothermalAtmosphere(EarthsAtmosphere): """Isothermal model of the atmosphere. This model is widely used in semi-analytical calculations. The isothermal approximation is valid in a certain range of altitudes and usually one adjust the parameters to match a more realistic density profile at altitudes between 10 - 30 km, where the high energy muon production rate peaks. Such parametrizations are given in the book "Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics", Gaisser, Engel and Resconi (2016). The default values are from M. Thunman, G. Ingelman, and P. Gondolo, Astropart. Physics 5, 309 (1996). Args: location (str): no effect season (str): no effect hiso_km (float): isothermal scale height in km X0 (float): Ground level overburden """ def __init__(self, location, season, hiso_km=6.3, X0=1300.0): self.hiso_cm = hiso_km * 1e5 self.X0 = X0 self.location = location self.season = season EarthsAtmosphere.__init__(self)
[docs] def get_density(self, h_cm): """Returns the density of air in g/cm**3. Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: density :math:`\\rho(h_{cm})` in g/cm**3 """ return self.X0 / self.hiso_cm * np.exp(-h_cm / self.hiso_cm)
[docs] def get_mass_overburden(self, h_cm): """Returns the mass overburden in atmosphere in g/cm**2. Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: column depth :math:`T(h_{cm})` in g/cm**2 """ return self.X0 * np.exp(-h_cm / self.hiso_cm)
[docs]class MSIS00Atmosphere(EarthsAtmosphere): """Wrapper class for a python interface to the NRLMSISE-00 model. `NRLMSISE-00 <>`_ is an empirical model of the Earth's atmosphere. It is available as a FORTRAN 77 code or as a verson traslated into `C by Dominik Borodowski <>`_. Here a PYTHON wrapper has been used. Attributes: _msis : NRLMSISE-00 python wrapper object handler Args: location (str): see :func:`init_parameters` season (str,optional): see :func:`init_parameters` """ def __init__(self, location, season=None, doy=None, use_loc_altitudes=False): from MCEq.geometry.nrlmsise00_mceq import cNRLMSISE00 msis_atmospheres = [ "SouthPole", "Karlsruhe", "Geneva", "Tokyo", "SanGrasso", "TelAviv", "KSC", "SoudanMine", "Tsukuba", "LynnLake", "PeaceRiver", "FtSumner", ] assert ( location in msis_atmospheres ), "{0} not available for MSIS00Atmosphere".format(location) self._msis = cNRLMSISE00() self.init_parameters(location, season, doy, use_loc_altitudes) EarthsAtmosphere.__init__(self)
[docs] def init_parameters(self, location, season, doy, use_loc_altitudes): """Sets location and season in :class:`NRLMSISE-00`. Translates location and season into day of year and geo coordinates. Args: location (str): Supported are "SouthPole" and "Karlsruhe" season (str): months of the year: January, February, etc. use_loc_altitudes (bool): If to use default altitudes from location """ self._msis.set_location(location) if season is not None: self._msis.set_season(season) else: self._msis.set_doy(doy) self.location, self.season = location, season # Clear cached value to force spline recalculation self.theta_deg = None if use_loc_altitudes: info(0, "Using loc altitude", self._msis.alt_surface, "cm") self.geom.h_obs = self._msis.alt_surface
def _clear_cache(self): """Clears the density model cache so that density profiles can be recalculated It is a private method to wrap the logic of cache cleaning """ self.theta_deg = None
[docs] def update_parameters(self, **kwargs): """Updates parameters of the density model Args: location_coord (tuple of str): (longitude, latitude) season (str): months of the year: January, February, etc. doy (int): day of the year. 'doy' takes precedence over 'season' if both are set """ self._clear_cache() if not kwargs: return if "location_coord" in kwargs: self.set_location_coord(*kwargs.get("location_coord")) if "season" in kwargs: self.set_season(kwargs.get("season")) if "doy" in kwargs: self.set_doy(kwargs.get("doy")) if "season" in kwargs: info(2, "Both 'season' and 'doy' are set in parameter list.\n'doy' takes precedence over 'season'")
[docs] def get_density(self, h_cm): """Returns the density of air in g/cm**3. Wraps around ctypes calls to the NRLMSISE-00 C library. Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: density :math:`\\rho(h_{cm})` in g/cm**3 """ return self._msis.get_density(h_cm)
[docs] def set_location(self, location): """Changes MSIS location by strings defined in _msis_wrapper. Args: location (str): location as defined in :class:`NRLMSISE-00.` """ self._msis.set_location(location) self._clear_cache()
[docs] def set_location_coord(self, longitude, latitude): """Changes MSIS location by longitude, latitude in _msis_wrapper Args: longitude (float): longitude of the location with abs(longitude) <= 180 latitude (float): latitude of the location with abs(latitude) <= 90 """ self._msis.set_location_coord(longitude, latitude) self._clear_cache()
[docs] def set_season(self, month): """Changes MSIS location by month strings defined in _msis_wrapper. Args: location (str): month as defined in :class:`NRLMSISE-00.` """ self._msis.set_season(month) self._clear_cache()
[docs] def set_doy(self, day_of_year): """Changes MSIS season by day of year. Args: day_of_year (int): 1. Jan.=0, 1.Feb=32 """ self._msis.set_doy(day_of_year) self._clear_cache()
[docs] def get_temperature(self, h_cm): """Returns the temperature of air in K. Wraps around ctypes calls to the NRLMSISE-00 C library. Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: density :math:`T(h_{cm})` in K """ return self._msis.get_temperature(h_cm)
[docs]class AIRSAtmosphere(EarthsAtmosphere): """Interpolation class for tabulated atmospheres. This class is intended to read preprocessed AIRS Satellite data. Args: location (str): see :func:`init_parameters` season (str,optional): see :func:`init_parameters` """ def __init__(self, location, season, extrapolate=True, *args, **kwargs): if location != "SouthPole": raise Exception( self.__class__.__name__ + "(): Only South Pole location supported. " + location ) self.extrapolate = extrapolate self.month2doy = { "January": 1, "February": 32, "March": 60, "April": 91, "May": 121, "June": 152, "July": 182, "August": 213, "September": 244, "October": 274, "November": 305, "December": 335, } self.season = season self.init_parameters(location, **kwargs) EarthsAtmosphere.__init__(self)
[docs] def init_parameters(self, location, **kwargs): """Loads tables and prepares interpolation. Args: location (str): supported is only "SouthPole" doy (int): Day Of Year """ # from time import strptime from matplotlib.dates import datestr2num, num2date from os import path def bytespdate2num(b): return datestr2num(b.decode("utf-8")) data_path = join( path.expanduser("~"), "OneDrive/Dokumente/projects/atmospheric_variations/" ) if "table_path" in kwargs: data_path = kwargs["table_path"] files = [ ("dens", "airs_amsu_dens_180_daily.txt"), ("temp", "airs_amsu_temp_180_daily.txt"), ("alti", "airs_amsu_alti_180_daily.txt"), ] data_collection = {} # limit SouthPole pressure to <= 600 min_press_idx = 4 IC79_idx_1 = None IC79_idx_2 = None for d_key, fname in files: fname = data_path + "tables/" + fname # tabf = open(fname).read() tab = np.loadtxt( fname, converters={0: bytespdate2num}, usecols=[0] + list(range(2, 27)) ) # with open(fname, 'r') as f: # comline = f.readline() # p_levels = [ # float(s.strip()) for s in comline.split(' ')[3:] if s != '' # ][min_press_idx:] dates = num2date(tab[:, 0]) for di, date in enumerate(dates): if date.month == 6 and == 1: if date.year == 2010: IC79_idx_1 = di elif date.year == 2011: IC79_idx_2 = di surf_val = tab[:, 1] cols = tab[:, min_press_idx + 2 :] data_collection[d_key] = (dates, surf_val, cols) self.interp_tab_d = {} self.interp_tab_t = {} self.dates = {} dates = data_collection["alti"][0] msis = MSIS00Atmosphere(location, "January") for didx, date in enumerate(dates): h_vec = np.array(data_collection["alti"][2][didx, :] * 1e2) d_vec = np.array(data_collection["dens"][2][didx, :]) t_vec = np.array(data_collection["temp"][2][didx, :]) if self.extrapolate: # Extrapolate using msis h_extra = np.linspace(h_vec[-1], self.geom.h_atm * 1e2, 250) msis._msis.set_doy(self._get_y_doy(date)[1] - 1) msis_extra_d = np.array([msis.get_density(h) for h in h_extra]) msis_extra_t = np.array([msis.get_temperature(h) for h in h_extra]) # Interpolate last few altitude bins ninterp = 5 for ni in range(ninterp): cl = 1 - np.exp(-ninterp + ni + 1) ch = 1 - np.exp(-ni) norm = 1.0 / (cl + ch) d_vec[-ni - 1] = ( d_vec[-ni - 1] * cl * norm + msis.get_density(h_vec[-ni - 1]) * ch * norm ) t_vec[-ni - 1] = ( t_vec[-ni - 1] * cl * norm + msis.get_temperature(h_vec[-ni - 1]) * ch * norm ) # Merge the two datasets h_vec = np.hstack([h_vec[:-1], h_extra]) d_vec = np.hstack([d_vec[:-1], msis_extra_d]) t_vec = np.hstack([t_vec[:-1], msis_extra_t]) self.interp_tab_d[self._get_y_doy(date)] = (h_vec, d_vec) self.interp_tab_t[self._get_y_doy(date)] = (h_vec, t_vec) self.dates[self._get_y_doy(date)] = date self.IC79_start = self._get_y_doy(dates[IC79_idx_1]) self.IC79_end = self._get_y_doy(dates[IC79_idx_2]) self.IC79_days = (dates[IC79_idx_2] - dates[IC79_idx_1]).days self.location = location if self.season is None: self.set_IC79_day(0) else: self.set_season(self.season) # Clear cached value to force spline recalculation self.theta_deg = None
def set_date(self, year, doy): self.h, self.dens = self.interp_tab_d[(year, doy)] _, self.temp = self.interp_tab_t[(year, doy)] = self.dates[(year, doy)] # Compatibility with caching self.season = def _set_doy(self, doy, year=2010): self.h, self.dens = self.interp_tab_d[(year, doy)] _, self.temp = self.interp_tab_t[(year, doy)] = self.dates[(year, doy)] def set_season(self, month): self.season = month self._set_doy(self.month2doy[month]) self.season = month def set_IC79_day(self, IC79_day): import datetime if IC79_day > self.IC79_days: raise Exception( self.__class__.__name__ + "::set_IC79_day(): IC79_day above range." ) target_day = self._get_y_doy( self.dates[self.IC79_start] + datetime.timedelta(days=IC79_day) ) info(2, "setting IC79_day", IC79_day) self.h, self.dens = self.interp_tab_d[target_day] _, self.temp = self.interp_tab_t[target_day] = self.dates[target_day] # Compatibility with caching self.season = def _get_y_doy(self, date): return date.timetuple().tm_year, date.timetuple().tm_yday
[docs] def get_density(self, h_cm): """Returns the density of air in g/cm**3. Interpolates table at requested value for previously set year and day of year (doy). Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: density :math:`\\rho(h_{cm})` in g/cm**3 """ ret = np.exp(np.interp(h_cm, self.h, np.log(self.dens))) try: ret[h_cm > self.h[-1]] = np.nan except TypeError: if h_cm > self.h[-1]: return np.nan return ret
[docs] def get_temperature(self, h_cm): """Returns the temperature in K. Interpolates table at requested value for previously set year and day of year (doy). Args: h_cm (float): height in cm Returns: float: temperature :math:`T(h_{cm})` in K """ ret = np.exp(np.interp(h_cm, self.h, np.log(self.temp))) try: ret[h_cm > self.h[-1]] = np.nan except TypeError: if h_cm > self.h[-1]: return np.nan return ret
[docs]class MSIS00IceCubeCentered(MSIS00Atmosphere): """Extension of :class:`MSIS00Atmosphere` which couples the latitude setting with the zenith angle of the detector. Args: location (str): see :func:`init_parameters` season (str,optional): see :func:`init_parameters` """ def __init__(self, location, season): if location != "SouthPole": info(2, "location forced to the South Pole") location = "SouthPole" MSIS00Atmosphere.__init__(self, location, season) # Allow for upgoing zenith angles self.max_theta = 180.0
[docs] def latitude(self, det_zenith_deg): """Returns the geographic latitude of the shower impact point. Assumes a spherical earth. The detector is 1948m under the surface. Credits: geometry fomulae by Jakob van Santen, DESY Zeuthen. Args: det_zenith_deg (float): zenith angle at detector in degrees Returns: float: latitude of the impact point in degrees """ r = self.geom.r_E d = 1948 # m theta_rad = det_zenith_deg / 180.0 * np.pi x = np.sqrt(2.0 * r * d + ((r - d) * np.cos(theta_rad)) ** 2 - d**2) - ( r - d ) * np.cos(theta_rad) return ( -90.0 + np.arctan2(x * np.sin(theta_rad), r - d + x * np.cos(theta_rad)) / np.pi * 180.0 )
[docs] def set_theta(self, theta_deg): self._msis.set_location_coord(longitude=0.0, latitude=self.latitude(theta_deg)) info( 1, "latitude = {0:5.2f} for zenith angle = {1:5.2f}".format( self.latitude(theta_deg), theta_deg ), ) downgoing_theta_deg = theta_deg if theta_deg > 90.0: downgoing_theta_deg = 180.0 - theta_deg info( 1, "theta = {0:5.2f} below horizon. using theta = {1:5.2f}".format( theta_deg, downgoing_theta_deg ), ) MSIS00Atmosphere.set_theta(self, downgoing_theta_deg) self.theta_deg = theta_deg
[docs]class GeneralizedTarget(object): """This class provides a way to run MCEq on piece-wise constant one-dimenional density profiles. The default values for the average density are taken from config file variables `len_target`, `env_density` and `env_name`. The density profile has to be built by calling subsequently :func:`add_material`. The current composition of the target can be checked with :func:`draw_materials` or :func:`print_table`. Note: If the target is not air or hydrogen, the result is approximate, since seconray particle yields are provided for nucleon-air or proton-proton collisions. Depending on this choice one has to adjust the nuclear mass in :mod:`mceq_config`. Args: len_target (float): total length of the target in meters env_density (float): density of the default material in g/cm**3 env_name (str): title for this environment """ def __init__( self, len_target=config.len_target * 1e2, # cm env_density=config.env_density, # g/cm3 env_name=config.env_name, ): self.len_target = len_target self.env_density = env_density self.env_name = env_name self.reset() @property def max_den(self): return self._max_den
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets material list to defaults.""" self.mat_list = [[0.0, self.len_target, self.env_density, self.env_name]] self._update_variables()
def _update_variables(self): """Updates internal variables. Not needed to call by user.""" self.start_bounds, self.end_bounds, self.densities = list(zip(*self.mat_list))[ :-1 ] self.densities = np.array(self.densities) self.start_bounds = np.array(self.start_bounds) self.end_bounds = np.array(self.end_bounds) self._max_den = np.max(self.densities) self._integrate()
[docs] def set_length(self, new_length_cm): """Updates the total length of the target. Usually the length is set """ if new_length_cm < self.mat_list[-1][0]: raise Exception( "GeneralizedTarget::set_length(): " + "can not set length below lower boundary of last " + "material." ) self.len_target = new_length_cm self.mat_list[-1][1] = new_length_cm self._update_variables()
[docs] def add_material(self, start_position_cm, density, name): """Adds one additional material to a composite target. Args: start_position_cm (float): position where the material starts counted from target origin l|X = 0 in cm density (float): density of material in g/cm**3 name (str): any user defined name Raises: Exception: If requested start_position_cm is not properly defined. """ if start_position_cm < 0.0 or start_position_cm > self.len_target: raise Exception( "GeneralizedTarget::add_material(): " + "distance exceeds target dimensions." ) elif ( start_position_cm == self.mat_list[-1][0] and self.mat_list[-1][-1] == self.env_name ): self.mat_list[-1] = [start_position_cm, self.len_target, density, name] elif start_position_cm <= self.mat_list[-1][0]: raise Exception( "GeneralizedTarget::add_material(): " + "start_position_cm is ahead of previous material." ) else: self.mat_list[-1][1] = start_position_cm self.mat_list.append([start_position_cm, self.len_target, density, name]) info( 2, ( "{0}::add_material(): Material '{1}' added. " + "location on path {2} to {3} m" ).format( self.__class__.__name__, name, self.mat_list[-1][0], self.mat_list[-1][1], ), ) self._update_variables()
[docs] def set_theta(self, *args): """This method is not defined for the generalized target. The purpose is to catch usage errors. Raises: NotImplementedError: always """ raise NotImplementedError( "GeneralizedTarget::set_theta(): Method" + "not defined for this target class." )
def _integrate(self): """Walks through material list and computes the depth along the position (path). Computes the spline for the position-depth relation and determines the maximum depth for the material selection. Method does not need to be called by the user, instead the class calls it when necessary. """ from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline self.density_depth = None self.knots = [0.0] self.X_int = [0.0] for start, end, density, _ in self.mat_list: self.knots.append(end) self.X_int.append(density * (end - start) + self.X_int[-1]) self._s_X2h = UnivariateSpline(self.X_int, self.knots, k=1, s=0.0) self._s_h2X = UnivariateSpline(self.knots, self.X_int, k=1, s=0.0) self._max_X = self.X_int[-1] @property def s_X2h(self): """Spline for depth at distance.""" if not hasattr(self, "_s_X2h"): self._integrate() return self._s_X2h @property def s_h2X(self): """Spline for distance at depth.""" if not hasattr(self, "_s_h2X"): self._integrate() return self._s_h2X @property def max_X(self): """Maximal depth of target.""" if not hasattr(self, "_max_X"): self._integrate() return self._max_X
[docs] def get_density_X(self, X): """Returns the density in g/cm**3 as a function of depth X. Args: X (float): depth in g/cm**2 Returns: float: density in g/cm**3 Raises: Exception: If requested depth exceeds target. """ X = np.atleast_1d(X) # allow for some small constant extrapolation for odepack solvers if X[-1] > self.max_X and X[-1] < self.max_X * 1.003: X[-1] = self.max_X if np.min(X) < 0.0 or np.max(X) > self.max_X: # return self.get_density(self.s_X2h(self.max_X)) info( 0, "Depth {0:4.3f} exceeds target dimensions {1:4.3f}".format( np.max(X), self.max_X ), ) raise Exception("Invalid input") return self.get_density(self.s_X2h(X))
[docs] def r_X2rho(self, X): """Returns the inverse density :math:`\\frac{1}{\\rho}(X)`. Args: X (float): slant depth in g/cm**2 Returns: float: :math:`1/\\rho` in cm**3/g """ return 1.0 / self.get_density_X(X)
[docs] def get_density(self, l_cm): """Returns the density in g/cm**3 as a function of position l in cm. Args: l (float): position in target in cm Returns: float: density in g/cm**3 Raises: Exception: If requested position exceeds target length. """ l_cm = np.atleast_1d(l_cm) res = np.zeros_like(l_cm) if np.min(l_cm) < 0 or np.max(l_cm) > self.len_target: raise Exception( "GeneralizedTarget::get_density(): " + "requested position exceeds target legth." ) for i, li in enumerate(l_cm): bi = 0 while not (li >= self.start_bounds[bi] and li <= self.end_bounds[bi]): bi += 1 res[i] = self.densities[bi] return res
[docs] def draw_materials(self, axes=None, logx=False): """Makes a plot of depth and density profile as a function of the target length. The list of materials is printed out, too. Args: axes (plt.axes, optional): handle for matplotlib axes """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not axes: plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2.5)) axes = plt.gca() ymax = np.max(self.X_int) * 1.01 for _, mat in enumerate(self.mat_list): xstart = mat[0] xend = mat[1] alpha = 0.188 * mat[2] / max(self.densities) + 0.248 if alpha > 1: alpha = 1.0 elif alpha < 0.0: alpha = 0.0 axes.fill_between( (xstart, xend), (ymax, ymax), (0.0, 0.0), label=mat[2], facecolor="grey", alpha=alpha, ) # axes.text(0.5e-2 * (xstart + xend), 0.5 * ymax, str(nm)) axes.plot([xl for xl in self.knots], self.X_int, lw=1.7, color="r") if logx: axes.set_xscale("log", nonposx="clip") axes.set_ylim(0.0, ymax) axes.set_xlabel("distance in target (cm)") axes.set_ylabel(r"depth X (g/cm$^2)$") self.print_table(min_dbg_lev=2)
[docs] def print_table(self, min_dbg_lev=0): """Prints table of materials to standard output.""" templ = "{0:^3} | {1:15} | {2:^9.3g} | {3:^9.3g} | {4:^8.5g}" info( min_dbg_lev, "********************* List of materials ***********************", no_caller=True, ) head = "{0:3} | {1:15} | {2:9} | {3:9} | {4:9}".format( "no", "name", "start [cm]", "end [cm]", "density [g/cm**3]" ) info(min_dbg_lev, "-" * len(head), no_caller=True) info(min_dbg_lev, head, no_caller=True) info(min_dbg_lev, "-" * len(head), no_caller=True) for nm, mat in enumerate(self.mat_list): info( min_dbg_lev, templ.format(nm, mat[3], mat[0], mat[1], mat[2]), no_caller=True, )
if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) plt.title("CORSIKA atmospheres") cka_atmospheres = [ ("USStd", None), ("BK_USStd", None), ("Karlsruhe", None), ("ANTARES/KM3NeT-ORCA", "Summer"), ("ANTARES/KM3NeT-ORCA", "Winter"), ("KM3NeT-ARCA", "Summer"), ("KM3NeT-ARCA", "Winter"), ("KM3NeT", None), ("SouthPole", "December"), ("PL_SouthPole", "January"), ("PL_SouthPole", "August"), ] cka_surf_100 = [] for loc, season in cka_atmospheres: cka_obj = CorsikaAtmosphere(loc, season) cka_obj.set_theta(0.0) x_vec = np.linspace(0, cka_obj.max_X, 5000) plt.plot( x_vec, 1 / cka_obj.r_X2rho(x_vec), lw=1.5, label="{0}/{1}".format(loc, season) if season is not None else "{0}".format(loc), ) cka_surf_100.append((cka_obj.max_X, 1.0 / cka_obj.r_X2rho(100.0))) print(cka_surf_100) plt.ylabel(r"Density $\rho$ (g/cm$^3$)") plt.xlabel(r"Depth (g/cm$^2$)") plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.tight_layout() plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) plt.title("NRLMSISE-00 atmospheres") msis_atmospheres = [ ("SouthPole", "January"), ("Karlsruhe", "January"), ("Geneva", "January"), ("Tokyo", "January"), ("SanGrasso", "January"), ("TelAviv", "January"), ("KSC", "January"), ("SoudanMine", "January"), ("Tsukuba", "January"), ("LynnLake", "January"), ("PeaceRiver", "January"), ("FtSumner", "January"), ] msis_surf_100 = [] for loc, season in msis_atmospheres: msis_obj = MSIS00Atmosphere(loc, season) msis_obj.set_theta(0.0) x_vec = np.linspace(0, msis_obj.max_X, 5000) plt.plot(x_vec, 1 / msis_obj.r_X2rho(x_vec), lw=1.5, label="{0}".format(loc)) msis_surf_100.append((msis_obj.max_X, 1.0 / msis_obj.r_X2rho(100.0))) print(msis_surf_100) plt.ylabel(r"Density $\rho$ (g/cm$^3$)") plt.xlabel(r"Depth (g/cm$^2$)") plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.tight_layout()