Source code for MCEq.misc

from __future__ import print_function
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import mceq_config as config

#: Energy grid (centers, bind widths, dimension)
energy_grid = namedtuple("energy_grid", ("c", "b", "w", "d"))

#: Matrix with x_lab=E_child/E_parent values
_xmat = None

def normalize_hadronic_model_name(name):
    import re
    """Converts hadronic model name into standard form"""
    return re.sub('[-.]', '', name).upper()

[docs]def theta_deg(cos_theta): """Converts :math:`\\cos{\\theta}` to :math:`\\theta` in degrees. """ return np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_theta))
[docs]def theta_rad(theta): """Converts :math:`\\theta` from rad to degrees. """ return np.deg2rad(theta)
[docs]def gen_xmat(energy_grid): """Generates x_lab matrix for a given energy grid""" global _xmat dims = (energy_grid.d, energy_grid.d) if _xmat is None or _xmat.shape != dims: _xmat = np.zeros(dims) for eidx in range(energy_grid.d): xvec = energy_grid.c[:eidx + 1] / energy_grid.c[eidx] _xmat[:eidx + 1, eidx] = xvec return _xmat
[docs]def is_charm_pdgid(pdgid): """Returns True if particle ID belongs to a heavy (charm) hadron.""" return ((abs(pdgid) > 400 and abs(pdgid) < 500) or (abs(pdgid) > 4000 and abs(pdgid) < 5000))
def _get_closest(value, in_list): """Returns the closes value to 'value' from given list.""" minindex = np.argmin(np.abs(in_list - value * np.ones(len(in_list)))) return minindex, in_list[minindex]
[docs]def getAZN(pdg_id): """Returns mass number :math:`A`, charge :math:`Z` and neutron number :math:`N` of ``pdg_id``. Note:: PDG ID for nuclei is coded according to 10LZZZAAAI. For iron-52 it is 1000260520. Args: pdgid (int): PDG ID of nucleus/mass group Returns: (int,int,int): (Z,A) tuple """ Z, A = 1, 1 if pdg_id < 2000: return 0, 0, 0 elif pdg_id == 2112: return 1, 0, 1 elif pdg_id == 2212: return 1, 1, 0 elif pdg_id > 1000000000: A = pdg_id % 1000 / 10 Z = pdg_id % 1000000 / 10000 return A, Z, A - Z else: return 1, 0, 0
[docs]def getAZN_corsika(corsikaid): """Returns mass number :math:`A`, charge :math:`Z` and neutron number :math:`N` of ``corsikaid``. Args: corsikaid (int): corsika id of nucleus/mass group Returns: (int,int,int): (Z,A) tuple """ Z, A = 1, 1 if corsikaid == 14: return getAZN(2212) if corsikaid >= 100: Z = corsikaid % 100 A = (corsikaid - Z) / 100 else: Z, A = 0, 0 return A, Z, A - Z
[docs]def corsikaid2pdg(corsika_id): """Conversion of CORSIKA nuclear code to PDG nuclear code""" if corsika_id in [101, 14]: return 2212 elif corsika_id in [100, 13]: return 2112 else: A, Z, _ = getAZN_corsika(corsika_id) # 10LZZZAAAI pdg_id = 1000000000 pdg_id += 10 * A pdg_id += 10000 * Z return pdg_id
[docs]def pdg2corsikaid(pdg_id): """Conversion from nuclear PDG ID to CORSIKA ID. Note:: PDG ID for nuclei is coded according to 10LZZZAAAI. For iron-52 it is 1000260520. """ if pdg_id == 2212: return 14 A = pdg_id % 1000 / 10 Z = pdg_id % 1000000 / 10000 return A * 100 + Z
[docs]def caller_name(skip=2): """Get a name of a caller in the format module.class.method `skip` specifies how many levels of stack to skip while getting caller name. skip=1 means "who calls me", skip=2 "who calls my caller" etc. An empty string is returned if skipped levels exceed stack height.abs From """ import inspect stack = inspect.stack() start = 0 + skip if len(stack) < start + 1: return '' parentframe = stack[start][0] name = [] if config.print_module: module = inspect.getmodule(parentframe) # `modname` can be None when frame is executed directly in console if module: name.append(module.__name__ + '.') # detect classname if 'self' in parentframe.f_locals: # I don't know any way to detect call from the object method # there seems to be no way to detect static method call - it will # be just a function call name.append(parentframe.f_locals['self'].__class__.__name__ + '::') codename = parentframe.f_code.co_name if codename != '<module>': # top level usually name.append(codename + '(): ') # function or a method else: name.append(': ') # If called from module scope del parentframe return "".join(name)
[docs]def info(min_dbg_level, *message, **kwargs): """Print to console if `min_debug_level <= config.debug_level` The fuction determines automatically the name of caller and appends the message to it. Message can be a tuple of strings or objects which can be converted to string using `str()`. Args: min_dbg_level (int): Minimum debug level in config for printing message (tuple): Any argument or list of arguments that casts to str condition (bool): Print only if condition is True blank_caller (bool): blank the caller name (for multiline output) no_caller (bool): don't print the name of the caller Authors: Anatoli Fedynitch (DESY) Jonas Heinze (DESY) """ condition = kwargs.pop('condition', True) blank_caller = kwargs.pop('blank_caller', False) no_caller = kwargs.pop('no_caller', False) if config.override_debug_fcn and min_dbg_level < config.override_max_level: fcn_name = caller_name(skip=2).split('::')[-1].split('():')[0] if fcn_name in config.override_debug_fcn: min_dbg_level = 0 if condition and min_dbg_level <= config.debug_level: message = [str(m) for m in message] cname = caller_name() if not no_caller else '' if blank_caller: cname = len(cname) * ' ' print(cname + " ".join(message))