Source code for MCEq.solvers

import numpy as np
import mceq_config as config
from MCEq.misc import info

[docs]def solv_numpy(nsteps, dX, rho_inv, int_m, dec_m, phi, grid_idcs): """:mod:`numpy` implementation of forward-euler integration. Args: nsteps (int): number of integration steps dX (numpy.array[nsteps]): vector of step-sizes :math:`\\Delta X_i` in g/cm**2 rho_inv (numpy.array[nsteps]): vector of density values :math:`\\frac{1}{\\rho(X_i)}` int_m (numpy.array): interaction matrix :eq:`int_matrix` in dense or sparse representation dec_m (numpy.array): decay matrix :eq:`dec_matrix` in dense or sparse representation phi (numpy.array): initial state vector :math:`\\Phi(X_0)` Returns: numpy.array: state vector :math:`\\Phi(X_{nsteps})` after integration """ grid_sol = [] grid_step = 0 imc = int_m dmc = dec_m dxc = dX ric = rho_inv phc = phi dXaccum = 0. from time import time start = time() for step in range(nsteps): phc += ( +[step] * phc)) * dxc[step] dXaccum += dxc[step] if (grid_idcs and grid_step < len(grid_idcs) and grid_idcs[grid_step] == step): grid_sol.append(np.copy(phc)) grid_step += 1 info( 2, "Performance: {0:6.2f}ms/iteration".format(1e3 * (time() - start) / float(nsteps))) return phc, np.array(grid_sol)
[docs]class CUDASparseContext(object): """This class handles the transfer between CPU and GPU memory, and the calling of GPU kernels. Initialized by :class:`MCEq.core.MCEqRun` and used by :func:`solv_CUDA_sparse`. """ def __init__(self, int_m, dec_m, device_id=0): if config.cuda_fp_precision == 32: self.fl_pr = np.float32 elif config.cuda_fp_precision == 64: self.fl_pr = np.float64 else: raise Exception( "CUDASparseContext(): Unknown precision specified.") # Setup GPU stuff and upload data to it try: import cupy as cp import cupyx.scipy as cpx self.cp = cp self.cpx = cpx self.cubl = cp.cuda.cublas except ImportError: raise Exception("solv_CUDA_sparse(): Numbapro CUDA libaries not " + "installed.\nCan not use GPU.") cp.cuda.Device(config.cuda_gpu_id).use() self.cubl_handle = self.cubl.create() self.set_matrices(int_m, dec_m)
[docs] def set_matrices(self, int_m, dec_m): """Upload sparce matrices to GPU memory""" self.cu_int_m = self.cpx.sparse.csr_matrix(int_m, dtype=self.fl_pr) self.cu_dec_m = self.cpx.sparse.csr_matrix(dec_m, dtype=self.fl_pr) self.cu_delta_phi = self.cp.zeros(self.cu_int_m.shape[0], dtype=self.fl_pr)
[docs] def alloc_grid_sol(self, dim, nsols): """Allocates memory for intermediate if grid solution requested.""" self.curr_sol_idx = 0 self.grid_sol = self.cp.zeros((nsols, dim))
[docs] def dump_sol(self): """Saves current solution to a new index in grid solution memory.""" self.cp.copyto(self.grid_sol[self.curr_sol_idx, :], self.cu_curr_phi) self.curr_sol_idx += 1
# self.grid_sol[self.curr_sol, :] = self.cu_curr_phi
[docs] def get_gridsol(self): """Downloads grid solution to main memory.""" return self.cp.asnumpy(self.grid_sol)
[docs] def set_phi(self, phi): """Uploads initial condition to GPU memory.""" self.cu_curr_phi = self.cp.asarray(phi, dtype=self.fl_pr)
[docs] def get_phi(self): """Downloads current solution from GPU memory.""" return self.cp.asnumpy(self.cu_curr_phi)
[docs] def solve_step(self, rho_inv, dX): """Makes one solver step on GPU using cuSparse (BLAS)""" self.cp.cusparse.csrmv(a=self.cu_int_m, x=self.cu_curr_phi, y=self.cu_delta_phi, alpha=1., beta=0.) self.cp.cusparse.csrmv(a=self.cu_dec_m, x=self.cu_curr_phi, y=self.cu_delta_phi, alpha=rho_inv, beta=1.) self.cubl.saxpy(self.cubl_handle, self.cu_delta_phi.shape[0], dX,, 1,, 1)
[docs]def solv_CUDA_sparse(nsteps, dX, rho_inv, context, phi, grid_idcs): """`NVIDIA CUDA cuSPARSE <>`_ implementation of forward-euler integration. Function requires a working :mod:`accelerate` installation. Args: nsteps (int): number of integration steps dX (numpy.array[nsteps]): vector of step-sizes :math:`\\Delta X_i` in g/cm**2 rho_inv (numpy.array[nsteps]): vector of density values :math:`\\frac{1}{\\rho(X_i)}` int_m (numpy.array): interaction matrix :eq:`int_matrix` in dense or sparse representation dec_m (numpy.array): decay matrix :eq:`dec_matrix` in dense or sparse representation phi (numpy.array): initial state vector :math:`\\Phi(X_0)` mu_loss_handler (object): object of type :class:`SemiLagrangianEnergyLosses` Returns: numpy.array: state vector :math:`\\Phi(X_{nsteps})` after integration """ c = context c.set_phi(phi) grid_step = 0 from time import time start = time() if len(grid_idcs) > 0: c.alloc_grid_sol(phi.shape[0], len(grid_idcs)) for step in range(nsteps): c.solve_step(rho_inv[step], dX[step]) if (grid_idcs and grid_step < len(grid_idcs) and grid_idcs[grid_step] == step): c.dump_sol() grid_step += 1 info( 2, "Performance: {0:6.2f}ms/iteration".format(1e3 * (time() - start) / float(nsteps))) return c.get_phi(), c.get_gridsol() if len(grid_idcs) > 0 else []
[docs]def solv_MKL_sparse(nsteps, dX, rho_inv, int_m, dec_m, phi, grid_idcs): # mu_loss_handler): """`Intel MKL sparse BLAS <>`_ implementation of forward-euler integration. Function requires that the path to the MKL runtime library ``libmkl_rt.[so/dylib]`` defined in the config file. Args: nsteps (int): number of integration steps dX (numpy.array[nsteps]): vector of step-sizes :math:`\\Delta X_i` in g/cm**2 rho_inv (numpy.array[nsteps]): vector of density values :math:`\\frac{1}{\\rho(X_i)}` int_m (numpy.array): interaction matrix :eq:`int_matrix` in dense or sparse representation dec_m (numpy.array): decay matrix :eq:`dec_matrix` in dense or sparse representation phi (numpy.array): initial state vector :math:`\\Phi(X_0)` grid_idcs (list): indices at which longitudinal solutions have to be saved. Returns: numpy.array: state vector :math:`\\Phi(X_{nsteps})` after integration """ from ctypes import c_int, c_char, POINTER, byref from mceq_config import mkl gemv = None axpy = None np_fl = None from ctypes import c_double as fl_pr # sparse CSR-matrix x dense vector gemv = mkl.mkl_dcsrmv # dense vector + dense vector axpy = mkl.cblas_daxpy np_fl = np.float64 # Prepare CTYPES pointers for MKL sparse CSR BLAS int_m_data = int_m_ci = int_m.indices.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) int_m_pb = int_m.indptr[:-1].ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) int_m_pe = int_m.indptr[1:].ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) dec_m_data = dec_m_ci = dec_m.indices.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) dec_m_pb = dec_m.indptr[:-1].ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) dec_m_pe = dec_m.indptr[1:].ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) npphi = np.copy(phi).astype(np_fl) phi = npphi.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(fl_pr)) npdelta_phi = np.zeros_like(npphi) delta_phi = npdelta_phi.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(fl_pr)) trans = c_char(b'n') npmatd = np.chararray(6) npmatd[0] = b'G' npmatd[3] = b'C' matdsc = npmatd.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_char)) m = c_int(int_m.shape[0]) cdzero = fl_pr(0.) cdone = fl_pr(1.) cione = c_int(1) grid_step = 0 grid_sol = [] from time import time start = time() for step in range(nsteps): # delta_phi = gemv(byref(trans), byref(m), byref(m), byref(cdone), matdsc, int_m_data, int_m_ci, int_m_pb, int_m_pe, phi, byref(cdzero), delta_phi) # delta_phi = rho_inv * + delta_phi gemv(byref(trans), byref(m), byref(m), byref(fl_pr(rho_inv[step])), matdsc, dec_m_data, dec_m_ci, dec_m_pb, dec_m_pe, phi, byref(cdone), delta_phi) # phi = delta_phi * dX + phi axpy(m, fl_pr(dX[step]), delta_phi, cione, phi, cione) if (grid_idcs and grid_step < len(grid_idcs) and grid_idcs[grid_step] == step): grid_sol.append(np.copy(npphi)) grid_step += 1 info( 2, "Performance: {0:6.2f}ms/iteration".format(1e3 * (time() - start) / float(nsteps))) return npphi, np.asarray(grid_sol)
# # TODO: Debug this and transition to BDF # def _odepack(dXstep=.1, # initial_depth=0.0, # int_grid=None, # grid_var='X', # *args, # **kwargs): # """Solves the transport equations with solvers from ODEPACK. # Args: # dXstep (float): external step size (adaptive sovlers make more steps internally) # initial_depth (float): starting depth in g/cm**2 # int_grid (list): list of depths at which results are recorded # grid_var (str): Can be depth `X` or something else (currently only `X` supported) # """ # from scipy.integrate import ode # ri = self.density_model.r_X2rho # if config.enable_muon_energy_loss: # raise NotImplementedError( # 'Energy loss not imlemented for this solver.') # # Functional to solve # def dPhi_dX(X, phi, *args): # return + * phi) # # Jacobian doesn't work with sparse matrices, and any precision # # or speed advantage disappear if used with dense algebra # def jac(X, phi, *args): # # print 'jac', X, phi # return (self.int_m + self.dec_m * ri(X)).todense() # # Initial condition # phi0 = np.copy(self.phi0) # # Initialize variables # grid_sol = [] # # Setup solver # r = ode(dPhi_dX).set_integrator( # with_jacobian=False, **config.ode_params) # if int_grid is not None: # initial_depth = int_grid[0] # int_grid = int_grid[1:] # max_X = int_grid[-1] # grid_sol.append(phi0) # else: # max_X = self.density_model.max_X # info( # 1, # 'your X-grid is shorter then the material', # condition=max_X < self.density_model.max_X) # info( # 1, # 'your X-grid exceeds the dimentsions of the material', # condition=max_X > self.density_model.max_X) # # Initial value # r.set_initial_value(phi0, initial_depth) # info( # 2, 'initial depth: {0:3.2e}, maximal depth {1:}'.format( # initial_depth, max_X)) # start = time() # if int_grid is None: # i = 0 # while r.successful() and (r.t + dXstep) < max_X - 1: # info(5, "Solving at depth X =", r.t, condition=(i % 5000) == 0) # r.integrate(r.t + dXstep) # i += 1 # if r.t < max_X: # r.integrate(max_X) # # Do last step to make sure the rational number max_X is reached # r.integrate(max_X) # else: # for i, Xi in enumerate(int_grid): # info(5, 'integrating at X =', Xi, condition=i % 10 == 0) # while r.successful() and (r.t + dXstep) < Xi: # r.integrate(r.t + dXstep) # # Make sure the integrator arrives at requested step # r.integrate(Xi) # # Store the solution on grid # grid_sol.append(r.y) # info(2, # 'time elapsed during integration: {1} sec'.format(time() - start)) # self.solution = r.y # self.grid_sol = grid_sol